Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Amazing Lace Entry No. 1:

me w/partner

Contestant no. 1000035
Name: M.A.P.

AKA: Windy City Knitting Chick, or Presto

Age: 28

Profession: Dietitian by day, swanky knitter by night

Why do I knit: Because I need some creative outlet in my life. And I find Knitting to be more addictive than ______ (fill in the blank to your vice).

Biggest secret: I have a yarn disorder, I go on and off the same yarn diet. Binging and starvation, not the healthiest. And, I secretly purchase and hide yarn from my hubby :).

Why did I enter the Amazing Lace Race: I like a good challenge to motivate me to do something new. It was also a great excuse to try knitting lace.

On my partner: (Lace Scarf, Queen Elizabeth I:pattern Glorianna) We are a new team, just met today for the first time. I think we are going to enter into some hardships, laughter, and tears. But I know we will prevail! My partner's roots are vintage, but surely a goody. I think my partner and I will be traveling together to such exotic destinations as Freemont, MI, the office, my den, rooftop deck, and so on...I believe that this constant travel will be a bonding experience to ultimately bring us closer to being the best team out there. (my current partner does not know this, but I may have the start of a polygamous relationship with some new partners, TBD...)

Our Strenghts and Weaknesses: Partner's strengths: solid pattern and charting. Weakness: will challenge me when misreading the pattern. My strengths: I rock on my yarn-overs :), I can wrap my yarn around the needle with great speed and agility, and fair/good on my increase and decrease techniques. Weaknesses: lack of patience. Sometimes I get so excited to see the finish work that I rush, make a mistake, and have to rip back, ugh!!! I think I may have some challenges with blocking. We shall see.

Plan of attack: I think I will work at a slow to moderate pace to elimate as many mistakes as possible. Try to work through the pattern at least twice per day. I do hope we can work well together because I would like to have more than one partner and more than one finished masterpiece.

On the other contestants: I see there are some saucy knitters and my partner and I look forward to the challenge.

Will you love me or hate me?: Well, I will let you decide, but I can tell you this I am a strong competitor...and the force is strong with me...

Why we are going to win: I don't know how to tell you this, but people know me. I'm kind of a big deal. I have many leather bond knitting books and my yarn stash smells of rich mahogany.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

I think we're going to love you!